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Anna Pápai-V.



Hungarian, Japanese, English, Spanish


Budapest College of Management
Eötvös Loránd University
Corvinus University of Budapest
Anna joined our team in 2011. She spent the majority of her childhood, approximately 6 years in Japan where she became familiar with Japanese culture. She had worked as an interpreter at several Japanese companies in Hungary and also had taught Japanese in language schools.
Anna acquired a degree both in Japanology and in economics.
She served as the secretary general of the Hungary-Japan Friendship Society from 2012 to 2016.

Between 2016 and 2018, she was mainly supporting the market entry of European IT companies in Japan. Since 2018, she has been responsible for the business line of investment promotion to the Central and Eastern European area. Anna has been the CEO of our company since April 2020.
Anna Pápai-V. 's Posts

My experience in a Japanese school, or what parts of the Japanese education system are worth copying

29 April 2016
Anna Pápai-V.
As a child I had the good luck to participate in the Japanese school system as well as the Hungarian one. I attended a real Japanese school for part of the first grade and from the 4th to 6th grades. I’d now like to summarize that experience and raise a few thoughts since reforming the […]
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Shichigosan (“Seven-five-three”) celebration as seen by a 5-year-old girl

29 January 2016
Anna Pápai-V.
I spent part of my childhood in Japan, including my fifth birthday. That was the year I learned something new and exciting about Japan, because on November 15th, my parents celebrated the traditional Shichigosan along with all other parents – this is a special celebration for seven, five, and three-year-old children. The roots of this […]
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The “other” great coral reef

20 November 2015
Anna Pápai-V.
Not too many people know that Japan has a lovely coral reef of its own. It is located on one of the southern isles of the Japanese archipelago, near Ishigaki Island in Okinawa prefecture, right by the village of Shiraho. The village announces itself to visitors as the “Shiraho coral village”.
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How (not) to do business with the Japanese?

11 September 2015
Anna Pápai-V.
A good number of years ago, someone I knew asked me to help make contact with a Japanese publisher. This friend wanted to publish Hungarian translations of Japanese fiction. At the time I was working full time as a language teacher and happily agreed to help in my time off- for what I thought was […]
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Pearls of Japanese contemporary theater

3 July 2015
Anna Pápai-V.
About a year ago I interpreted a lecture entitled Japanese contemporary theater today, in a program organized by the Japan Foundation. To be honest it was not a subject I found interesting. Although I like the theater, the word “contemporary” still made me nervous. Nonetheless, I spent the weekend before the lecture carefully studying theater terminology […]
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