
Why does the Hungarian Forint keep getting weaker?

30 April 2023
Vuleta Dániel
The Hungarian forint is a so-called "emerging currency". Thus, global events and exchange rate fluctuations heavily affect its exchange rate.
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Japan's Aging Society - 4 Ways the HR Business Has Responded to Labor Shortage

15 December 2021
Németh Vivien
Japan's aging society has been a hot topic for the past few decades due to the massive labor shortage occurring in most industries, whether it be service, manufacturing, agriculture, construction or healthcare. The country is still managing to make ends meet – but how? In this article, we are going to introduce 4 ways Japan’s […]
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Averting disaster in Japan

2 September 2016
Nagygyörgy Anna
The fifth anniversary of 11 March 2011 and the earthquake that hit Tohuku, triggering a tsunami which brought disaster to the Fukushima nuclear power plant, has just gone by. This disaster counted as the worst since earthquakes were first measured, starting in 1900, and the destruction was tremendous. Over 20 percent of all the earthquakes […]
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That day, 5 years ago, was also a Friday…

12 August 2016
Harada Chika
It’s hard to believe that March 11, 2016 was the 5th anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake that hit Japan in 2011. I clearly remember that tragic day. I had to go to the animal hospital that day and had my newborn daughter with me in her pram when I saw the news on the television […]
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Behind the mask

22 July 2016
Sebők Tünde
Flu season – January and February are the usual time to catch a cold and get sick. It sounds like an impossible task to avoid catching some sort of virus in school, at work, while shopping, or in public transport, especially if someone sneezes or coughs right on us. I was discussing this very issue […]
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Pictures at an Exhibition – Japanese inspirations

1 July 2016
Biró Krisztina
While walking along the shores of Lake Zurich, my eyes fell on a poster with a Japanese theme: the Kunsthaus (Museum of Fine Arts) was advertising an exhibition called “Inspiration Japan – Monet, Gauguin, Van Gogh.” There was nothing surprising about my noticing this promotion, because ever since I’ve become interested in Japan I act […]
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How many toes does a dragon have?

10 June 2016
Sűdy Zoltán
Lifelong learning is the thing. I recently had dinner in a Tokyo restaurant with the owner and CEO of a Japanese IT firm, where I was asked the dragon toe question. And I have to admit that I hadn’t the faintest idea, even though the dragon is a dominant symbol in Japan (among other places). […]
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I grew up with Hayao Miyazaki

3 June 2016
Petre Kinga
One of the most important takeaways of my first visit to Japan was my discovery of Hayao Miyazaki’s films, which I fell in love with at first sight. That love has not diminished, although it has changed its focus somewhat. It has been quite a feat for Miyazaki to hold onto a place in my […]
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A word or two about green tea

27 May 2016
Sűdy Erika
First of all, I need to rectify two misunderstandings. Camellia sinensis comes from Southeast Asia and India. It is an evergreen tree that grows up to as much as 8-10 meters (25-30 feet) in height and has spreading branches. On tea plantations the height is kept down to 1-1.5 metres (3-5 feet) to make continuous […]
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