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Dávid Bohács

Country manager


Hungarian, English, Japanese


Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Tohoku University
Dávid Bohács acquired a degree in both Japanese studies and communication studies at Károli Gáspár University. During his university years, he also studied at Oita University for a year. Then, he received a research scholarship by MEXT and spent 5 years working on his doctorate degree in information sciences at Tohoku University.
He has 3 years of experience working as a project manager and interpreter for a medium-sized Japanese company.

Dávid has been a member of Sűdy & Co., Ltd. since July 2018 and the country manager of Sűdy & Co. Japan since October 2018.

He has also been the head of secretariat of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce in Japan since October 2021, supporting Japanese companies present in Hungary and Hungarian companies that wish to enter the Japanese market.
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