
Mizuhiki – the art of tying paper cords

20 May 2016
Rajzó-Kontor Kornélia
As Japanese culture becomes increasingly well known throughout the world, fewer people are surprised to learn that something thought merely to be a common practice is a separate art among the Japanese. While in principle anything can be turned into an art and given artistic value, there are very few places that actually do this. […]
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One person – two native languages

13 May 2016
Bassa Zoltán
Someone once told me that by the age of 6 months we understand everything that is said to us and we can even distinguish between the languages that we hear. The human brain is capable of amazing things. Here’s what happened when my daughter, whose mother is my Japanese wife, was about one year old. […]
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Is everything smaller in Japan?

6 May 2016
Kajtár Bálint
During the year I spent in Japan as an exchange student, I often looked at things and thought “well, this is smaller and prettier, but more expensive.” As time passed, my emphasis kept switching from one point to the other! I went to Japan as a student 10 years ago, when many things were different. […]
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My experience in a Japanese school, or what parts of the Japanese education system are worth copying

29 April 2016
Pápai-V. Anna
As a child I had the good luck to participate in the Japanese school system as well as the Hungarian one. I attended a real Japanese school for part of the first grade and from the 4th to 6th grades. I’d now like to summarize that experience and raise a few thoughts since reforming the […]
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Meri Kurisumasu – Christmas in Tokyo

22 April 2016
Nagygyörgy Anna
Only once in my life was I away from my family at Christmas, and that one time I was far away indeed, in Tokyo. I noticed that Christmas was coming from the unbelievable quantity of poinsettias, Christmas trees in the stores, and the customary Christmas songs that filled the air, starting on the day after […]
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Hinamatsuri – the happiness of little girls

15 April 2016
Harada Chika
あかりをつけましょ ぼんぼりに                                             おはなをあげましょ もものはな 5にんばやしの ふえだいこ きょうは たのしいひなまつり Let’s light the oil lamps Let’s add the flowers, the peach blossoms Five court musicians, with drums and flutes Today is joyful Hinamatsuri! This song is heard everywhere on March 3, the Day of Girls and Dolls, called Hinamatsuri (ひなまつり) in Japanese. The festival is similar to Tanabata, celebrated on July […]
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Aokigahara – A sea of trees

8 April 2016
Sebők Tünde
Japan is generally well-known for its colorful and interesting culture, advanced technology, and beautiful natural endowments. However, this world also has an enchanted and very dark side. The vast forest of Aokigahara, covering over 7,500 acres, lies at the foot of Mount Fuji and the trees grow so densely that locals refer to it as […]
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A glimpse into the world of Japanese robots

1 April 2016
Biró Krisztina
Humanoid robots are totally fascinating. In the fall of 2014, I saw a performance by the Japanese Oriza Hirata robot theater at Trafo, here in Budapest. The company took its inspiration from Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and, unlike in the original work, Gregor Samsa wakes up to find himself transformed into a humanoid robot rather than an […]
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Meetings with Enku

25 March 2016
Sűdy Zoltán
The meetings are, of course, figurative since Enku lived in 18th century Japan, primarily in the Gifu prefecture. The first time we met was in Moscow, when I was in college. One of my Japanese language teachers, whose name was Komarovsky, mentioned Enku as a favorite of his and showed us a few pictures. In […]
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