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Bálint Kajtár

Bálint Kajtár 's Posts

Is everything smaller in Japan?

During the year I spent in Japan as an exchange student, I often looked at things and thought “well, this is smaller and prettier, but more expensive.” As time passed, my emphasis kept switching from one point to the other! I went to Japan as a student 10 years ago, when many things were different. […]
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Class outing to Okinawa

19 February 2016
Bálint Kajtár
Class outing. Is there a child who doesn’t love a group outing? Back in kindergarten days, it simply meant going out to the local park, definitely during “working hours.” In those days, “sleepover” was an unknown concept, something older children did. Back then everyone wanted to sleep at home, in their own little beds.
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The first sake seminar and a personal view of sake

4 December 2015
Bálint Kajtár
I recently found myself reliving a definitive relationship I have had with sake. Our firm was called upon to organize Hungary’s first sake tasting event and seminar. The event gave me the chance to focus more deeply on the history of sake, on how it is made, and on the various types. And last, but […]
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Is it true that the Japanese can’t hold their liquor?

17 July 2015
Bálint Kajtár
Anyone who has ever had a few drinks with a person from Japan knows that quite often even a small amount of wine or brandy will quickly go to their heads – and this is equally true for men and women. There’s a simple explanation: the Japanese lack the enzyme that breaks down alcohol. A […]
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Hi-tech lettuce from a Japanese semi-conductor factory

Articles on Japan in the papers or on the Internet generally focus on various innovations and developments. Long ago, the topic was the miniaturization of electronic devices, to work to get as much extra stuff into ever-smaller "boxes". Nowadays, I keep reading about inventions that improve living standards (floating solar power facilities, an office/kitchen/study, etc. […]
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