
A sapling planted in a swamp, or the history of Christianity in Japan

15 January 2016
Biró Krisztina
Many years ago I had a discussion about Christianity with a Japanese colleague. That was when I learned that Christianity had reached Japan in the 16th century but did not really spread. (In today’s Japan with its population of 130 million, only about a million and a half people consider themselves followers of Christ, while […]
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The Josai story…

8 January 2016
Sűdy Zoltán
Accidental events, which create heroes and victims alike, are a favorite theme of romantic novels and dramatic films. Everyone’s life is influenced by accidents that are sometimes devastating, and we tend to wonder about these accidents. What would have happened if....I’m no exception but I prefer to think about the lucky accidents that have shifted […]
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Love Hotel

1 January 2016
Petre Kinga
Here’s another Japanese invention, something we have never heard of although it can be found everywhere in Japan as a very normal segment of the hotel industry. It’s a form of accommodation – although rest and relaxation are hardly what it’s about... History-wise, it dates from the Edo Period (1603-1868). You might call it a […]
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The language of music

25 December 2015
Sűdy Erika
Hungarian cellist Csaba Onczay and Kouketsu Haruhiko met in Japan twenty years ago, marking the start of a beautiful friendship. It also marked the start of Gifu’s Hungarian Friendship Society and the Hungarian Academy of Music’s Friends of Japan Music Society. Since then, Masters’ level courses have been held every single year. Thanks to this […]
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Juku – Private school in Japan

18 December 2015
Rajzó-Kontor Kornélia
In a blog I wrote on June 3, 2015 called “Studying Day and Night”, I tried to outline the Japanese education system and, within that, the secondary schools and their main features. I relied principally on my own experience when describing life in school, although towards the end I mentioned the juku system. Since no […]
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Szentendre gets a Japanese garden

11 December 2015
Bassa Zoltán
A few years ago a man named Zoltán Dani contacted me and several other people with Japanese interests. He presented a project: to build a Japanese garden in a public space in the artists’ town of Szentendre. With over 10 years of Japanese garden building under his belt, he said he had finally decided to […]
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The first sake seminar and a personal view of sake

4 December 2015
Kajtár Bálint
I recently found myself reliving a definitive relationship I have had with sake. Our firm was called upon to organize Hungary’s first sake tasting event and seminar. The event gave me the chance to focus more deeply on the history of sake, on how it is made, and on the various types. And last, but […]
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The joys of a bonus

27 November 2015
Harada Chika
The Japanese business newspaper (Nikkei) recently published the results of a research project on summer bonuses paid to Japanese workers. The bonuses paid this year were generally 5.9 percent higher than those paid for the same time last year. A survey published in parallel sought to find out what people spent these bonuses on. Of […]
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The “other” great coral reef

20 November 2015
Pápai-V. Anna
Not too many people know that Japan has a lovely coral reef of its own. It is located on one of the southern isles of the Japanese archipelago, near Ishigaki Island in Okinawa prefecture, right by the village of Shiraho. The village announces itself to visitors as the “Shiraho coral village”.
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